New Season 8 POSTER!

Offical poster

We see the ninja, weapons ready for battle, staring straight in the distance. They seem to be distressed, with Nya’s weapon raised at nothing.  This is different from other posters because we don’t see much of the villain. The villain is right behind them, however it’s Garmadon, in shadow-form. Did he revert back to what he was in the pilot episodes? I think this because we see him wearing his Stone Army helms and his arms raised, probably in a menacing cackle.

On the bottom, we see that the red fake ninja is tossing the mask from the sneak peek to a black figure. I can’t really tell what that is, but I can assume it’s Garmadon. The person is black and purple, so else could it be? We see another vehicle on top, and it seems to have a blue glow on it. I can’t see the person on it, so it could be Jay or another fake ninja.

Mysterious light pulses from the mask, illuminating the bottom of the poster. This proves that the mask has powers that Garmadon needs for whatever his devious plan is.

After seeing the poster, I’m very excited for Season 8! I love the concept of the fake ninja, Garmadon being evil again, and the look of the mask. What do you think about the poster? Let us know down in the comments below.


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